Boy Scout Troop 465 Hickory Flat, GA

Assistant Scoutmasters

To fulfill his obligation to the troop, the Scoutmaster, with the assistance of the troop committee, recruits Assistant Scoutmasters to help operate the troop. Each Assistant Scoutmaster is assigned specific program duties and reports to the Scoutmaster.

To be considered for selection as an Assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 465, an adult must first: be 18 years old, have spent a minimum of 1 year on the Troop Committee (or as a youth), and have completed all required Scoutmaster training.




  • John Ballard
  • Andrew Kirk
  • Michael Kirk
  • Clay Limbaugh
  • Christopher Lipscomb
  • Bert Thompson
  • Evan Wagner


The Scoutmaster, and all of the Assistant Scoutmasters of Troop 465 adhere to the following creed set forth by our chartering institution, 465 Alumni Inc:

As an adult member of BSA Troop 465, I affirm a belief in God, I acknowledge that the scouting movement is non-sectarian and requires a duty to God.

I affirm and agree to conduct my life by adhering to the scout oath and law as all scouts are expected to do.

I agree to conduct the scouting program according to our sponsor's policies and guidelines as well as those of the Boy Scouts of America.

I hereby agree to require that each scout I counsel in rank advancement or merit badge achievement specifically follow each requirement of the rank or badge exactly as the requirement are written.

I believe and affirm that as an adult member of Troop 465, my purpose is to help build character in boys and support my Troop. Therefore I shall set an example by performing correctly the duties I owe to God, my Country, my family, my neighbors and myself.

For more information, please contact Scoutmaster Jason Norred,, 678-516-0146

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February 15 - 18, 2025
Primitive Island
Canoe Camp

Reed Bingham
State Park

March 14 - 16, 2025
Scout Challenge
Spring Camporee

Bert Adams
Scout Camp

June 1 - 7, 2025
Summer Camp
Bert Adams Scout Camp

Troop 465 Online Store
Pay for outings, dues, and purchase Troop merchandise


BSA Troop 465, 5742 East Cherokee Drive
Canton, GA 30115

Scoutmaster - Jason Norred,

Committee Chair - Ken Orris,

For website suggestions, history site additions, pictures of troop events to upload, etc., please email:
Updated 2/14/2025