is the age range for boys to join Troop 465?
boy that is 11 years old but not yet 18, may join our troop as a youth
member. Additionally, if a boy is only 10 years old but has EITHER completed
the fifth grade OR earned the Arrow of Light rank in Cub Scouting they
may also join the troop.
is expected of a scout?
- To
do his best to live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law
- To
maintain regular attendance and participation in troop/patrol activities
- To
wear his uniform to all meetings and Scouting events
- To
own and read his Scout Handbook
- To
keep a pad and pencil at all times
- To
have fun and have a positive learning experience
is the responsibility of a parent of a new Scout?
a boy joins Troop 465, so does his family. Scouts with parents that
stay involved, get more out of the program and go farther. Here are
some of your responsibilities as a parent of a scout:
he has a full and proper Scout uniform: Scout socks, pants, shirt, belt
and Troop Scout hat with proper insignia
transportation to bring him on-time to scout meetings and outings.
informed of troop news & announcements by reading email and attending
parent meetings
Troop fundraising activities
do adults get more involved?
interested in becoming a BSA Volunteer are invited to join our Troop
Committee. Our Committee Members help manage the administration and
business of the troop.
family members that are not interested in becoming a uniformed volunteer,
are invited to join our Family Auxiliary. The auxiliary aids the troop
by helping coordinate fundraisers, facility work days, banquets, etc.
your interest and time budget, we have a place for you at Troop 465!
supplies and equipment does a Scout need?
scouts should start with a Scout Handbook, and a complete Field Uniform
consisting of shirt, trousers, belt, socks, neckerchief and hat.
will also need personal camping gear such as: a sleeping bag, backpack,
mess kit, etc. Camping gear can be acquired over time, and there are
always troop members willing to loan equipment to new scouts so don’t
rush into any purchases.
much does it cost to be a Scout?
troop member must maintain a national membership with the Boy Scouts
of America ($85/year as of 2024). In addition, Troop 465 collects an
annual program fee of $132 (prorated as $11 per month) to cover advancement
awards, and program supplies.
Troop Operations
often does the troop meet?
troop meets every Monday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. We have an Opening Assembly
at 7:00pm (sharp!), and then do Closing Announcements at 8:30pm. Parents
are encouraged to attend our Closing Announcements.
typically take 1 week off in the summer (after our week-long Summer
Camp) and the two weeks around Christmas. But all other Mondays, we
are meeting!
often are campouts and outings?
normally have one weekend activity per month. Most of our activities
are overnight camping, backpacking, canoeing, or other outdoor adventures.
We also have a number of community events and service projects throughout
the year. Take a look at our calendar.
is a patrol?
A Scout
patrol is a small group of normally six to eight Scouts that take on
a team identity where patrol members learn skills together, share responsibilities
and take on leadership roles.
runs the troop?
youth leaders run our troop. The senior patrol leader, who is elected
by the Scouts, presides over all troop meetings and activities. He,
with help from his appointed leadership team and each Patrol Leader,
run troop operations.
plans the meetings and activities?
Patrol Leaders’ Council is made up of the senior patrol leader,
who presides over the meetings, the assistant senior patrol leader,
all patrol leaders, and the troop guides. They meet once a month during
the last Monday meeting of each month.
should be contacted if help is needed?
A Scout’s
patrol leader is the first resource if there are any questions. The
senior patrol leader is the next source of information, and then finally
the Scoutmaster.