Support Troop 465 Troop 465 is sponsored by 465 Alumni Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation created by alumni of Troop 465 whose mission is to promote Scouting in the local community. Because of 465 Alumni Inc.'s status as a 501(c)3 corporation donations made to 465 Alumni Inc. are tax deductible. There are several different ways you can financially support Troop 465; Purchase a commemorative brick. Each brick will be engraved with your family’s name or personal message. Each brick will be placed in a prominent position in the pathway leading from the Scout hut to the Eagle Scout plaza surrounding the flagpole at the front of the Troop 465 facility. A brick can be purchased for a donation of $100. Click Here to purchase a brick today. The 465 Alumni have constructed a trailer to collect aluminum cans to be recycled. Not only can you help the environment but you can help the Troop by dropping off your aluminum cans. The trailer sits outside the gate of the Scout hut so it's accessible 24/7. Next time you load your Scout into your car to drop him off at Troop meeting, load those aluminum cans and drop them off at the hut as well. It feels good to give. And it’s easy to give with PayPal. Our sponsor, 465 Alumni Inc. has been registered as a charity with PayPal. Donate now and PayPal will cover all transaction fees so 100% of your gift will reach Troop 465. Click Here to donate. Kroger
Community Rewards Program Kroger
is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year,
local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions
of dollars through Kroger Community Rewards. You can support Troop 465
by grocery shopping at your favorite Kroger store. 465 Alumni Inc. is
registered with the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Simply swipe your
registered Kroger Plus card and Kroger will donate a portion of your grocery
bill to 465 Alumni Inc. at no cost to you. Click
Here for details. |
Upcoming February 15 - 18, 2025 March 14 - 16, 2025 June 1 - 7, 2025
- Jason
website suggestions, history site additions, pictures of troop events
to upload, etc., please email: