Boy Scout Troop 465 Hickory Flat, GA

History of B.S.A. Troop 465

John Ballard, Nancy Wick, and Dan Warner, along with several others have completed this December 2018 edition of "A Brief History of Troop 465; the First Fifty-Five Years". It's 222 pages which covers 1963 -2018.

Please read and review this document and provide us with any suggestions, comments, corrections, or additions.

With many of you helping (both past and present Troop members and families) this can be a very rewarding project!!!

Please submit your items to Dan Warner at, or call him at 850 420 4491, or stop by the Scout hut on Monday nights.

Thank you for your assistance,

-----Troop 465 History Committee

(Special thanks to Daniel F. Warner, for providing this section. Complete excerpts have been taken from his book, "The First 32 Years of Troop 465, 1963 to 1995" written in July of 1995.)

Eagle Scouts

Troop 465 currently has 121 scouts who have earned the rank of Eagle Scout since 1967. In 2006, five scouts earned this rank and also reached a new troop 465 milestone. For more information, see the Eagle Nest.

Troop Sponsors

The troop has been sponsored by three different organizations. The troop was originally founded in June 1963, and sponsored by the Hickory Flat Elementary School PTA, located at the northwest corner of East Cherokee Drive and Hickory Road. Roy W. Johnson was the Principal of the school that year. The PTA sponsored the troop until 1985, when the Hickory Flat United Methodist Church Men's Club became the troop sponsor. The church was located across from Hickory Flat Elementary school, where the Hickory Flat Library is currently located, but moved two miles north on East Cherokee Drive in 1992. From 1997 to present day, the troop has been sponsored by 465 Alumni, Inc., a non-profit organization established to perpetuate the philosophies of George Lingefelt.

Meeting Locations

The troop has had five meeting places over the course of years. The first meeting place was at the Hickory Flat Elementary school, mostly meeting in the cafeteria. The troop used this school from 1963 until 1985, except for 1969 when a scout hut was used on Vaughn road. In 1985 the troop moved to what was formerly the Hickory Flat Courthouse located at the northeast corner of East Cherokee Drive and State Highway 140, where the BP gas station sits today. In June of 1990 the troop moved to the Union Hill Community Center, formerly the Union Hill School (1925 to 1958), located behind the Union Hill United Methodist Church at the intersection of Union Hill Road and A. J. Land Road.

In September of 1997, 465 Alumni, Inc. acquired property formally known as the old Avery School site. This three plus acre site would soon receive the donation of the Big Springs Methodist Church Sunday school building. A basement was dug for this building by Jack Mitchell, an Eagle Scout from Troop 465. The footings, basement floor, basement walls, and all of the decks and walkways for the Scout Hut were donated by Dave Butler (committee member), materials and all. The troop began meeting at this new location on upon completion of the remodeling. Because 465 Alumni, Inc. owns the three plus acres that the current scout hut sits on, it is very unlikely that Troop 465 will ever have to move again.


There have only been seven Scoutmasters of the Troop since its first charter in 1963. James R. Johnson was the 1st Scoutmaster, followed by David Callahan from 1964 to 1966. George Lingefelt became the 3rd Scoutmaster 1967 and held that position until 2002. Under his leadership, the Troop became strong and its reputation grew. Mr. Lingefelt received the Silver Beaver Award and completed the Wood Badge class in 1994. Gerald Dobson became the 4th Scoutmaster of the Troop in 2002 and served until 2009. Mr. Dobson first became involved with Troop 465 when the first of his three sons joined the Troop in 1992. In late 2009, Mike Pellegrino became the 5th Scoutmaster serving until 2013. In 2013 Mike Lamanac became the 6th Scoutmaster serving until 2016. Mr. Lamanac first became involved with Troop 465 when the first of his two sons joined the Troop. In 2016 Ronald C. (Clay) Limbaugh Jr. became the 7th Scoutmaster. Mr. Limbaugh earned the rank of Eagle in Troop 465 in 1991 becoming the 27th Eagle Scout of Troop 465. In 2019 Jason Norred became the 8th Scoutmaster. Mr. Norred grew up in the Atlanta area. As a youth, he was Life Scout and SPL at Troop 909, a cadet First Sergeant in a Civil Air Patrol ground search and rescue team.

Troop Activities

The troop has always enjoyed a variety of activities such as hiking, backpacking, camping, canoeing, rappelling, capture the flag games, orienteering, caving, and community service.

Summer Camps

In 1963 and 1964 the troop held their own summer camp at Lake Winfield Scott. The next six years the troop attended Bert Adams Scout Reservation camp in Covington GA for their summer camp. In 1971, the troop again held their own summer camp at Lake Allatoona. In 1972 and 1973 the troop held their own summer camp at Cox's Lake. From 1974 to 1977 the troop held their own summer camp's on the south side of Crowe's Lake which is located off Roper Road. In 1978 the troop moved to the north side of Crowe's Lake where they erected a headquarters building, and summer camp was held there through 1986. In 1987, summer camp was held at Bert Adams Scout Reservation. In 1988 and 1989, the troop again returned to Crowe's Lake. In 1990 and 1991, the troop attended the Atlanta Area Council summer camp held at Woodruff Scout Reservation in Blairsville. In 1992, summer camp returned to Crowe's Lake, and the headquarters building had its roof removed and reinstalled with a higher pitch. Beginning in 1993, the north Crowe's Lake site was renamed "Camp George" in honor of Scoutmaster George Lingefelt. For the summer camps of 2002 and 2003, the troop held summer camps at Camp 175 located on Lake Allatoona. After 2003, the troop again attended many summer camp's at Woodruff Scout Reservation. In 2008 a troop sponsored camp was held in Salacoa Valley near Waleska, GA. There, Camp George while in a different location was re-entered for the first time since the late 1990's and has continued since.

There have been many years where other troops have opted to come to Troop 465's summer camp instead of attending the council camps.

High Adventure

The troop has been active in many high adventure trips over the years.

National Jamboree - 1981

In 1981 Scout Steve Warren and Scoutmaster George Lingefelt attended the National Scout Jamboree at Fort A. P. Hill, Virginia.

Philmont Scout Ranch BSA - 1982

In 1982 scout Andy Wick and adult troop 465 charter member, John Ballard went to Philmont, participating in the calvacade program. John was the selected AAC leader for this trek.

Washington DC / National Jamboree - 1985

The troop took the bus to one day of the National Scout Jamboree at Fort A. P. Hill, Virginia, and then went on to sight see in Washington DC . There were sixteen scouts and nine adults on the trip. They received an autographed picture of them with Senator Thurman of South Carolina .

Sea Base BSA - 1985

Also in 1985 four scouts, including Tyler Hooks, and seven adults, including Doc Hooks and Michael Lingefelt, went to the Sea Base BSA camp in the Florida Keys . In route they stayed at Homestead AFB. Scoutmaster George Lingefelt was especially happy to see his son Michael accompany the group on this trip.

Philmont Scout Ranch BSA - 1987

The troop took the bus to Philmont Scout Ranch. This trip had seven scouts, including Doug Hyche, Adam Whatley, and Chuck Hosea, and four adults, including Art Wick, George Lingefelt, and Wes Williams. Most of the group drove their way out to Philmont and stayed at Air Force Bases and a Church. Art Wick and Wes Williams flew out to meet the group, and ended up flying first class with free airplane tickets. Philmont Ranger Andy Wick, an Eagle from Troop 465, met the troop on the trail with a watermelon as a treat.

Maine Historical Trip - 1990

A group of seven scouts, eight adults and three children took a sixteen day historical trip up the East coast to Maine . A motor home, van, and car left the scout hut and traveled up to Tannersville, Pennsylvania in the Poconos where a home base was established for a week. From there New York city, Times Square, NBC Tour, Chinatown, Little Italy, World Trade Center, Statue of Liberty, NJ Island beach trip, and a visit to Amish country in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and Paradise Pennsylvania, and then a trip to the Philadelphia mint and Revolutionary War museum. The group then went to Boston Harbor, and Old Orchard Beach, Maine . From there the group went to Washington, DC for visits to the FBI tour, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Vietnam Memorial, Smithsonian Museum, passed the White House, visited Annapolis and the Baltimore Harbor Fourth of July fireworks. The group went up I-81 up the Shenandoah valley and came back down I-95 and I-85.

Russia Trip - 1990

Adam Smith was Patrol leader of the Atlanta patrol. Together with the Chicago patrol sixteen scouts in all went for a two week trip to Russia . This was the old Russia before the USSR began to change to the way they now are.

Philmont Scout Ranch BSA - 1993

In 1993 seven scouts and six adults flew with the Atlanta Area Council contingent to Philmont Scout Ranch.

Individual Philmont Scout Ranch BSA Trips

In 1991 scout Adam Warner and adult Andy Wick went with the Atlanta Area Council contingent to Philmont. In 1994 scout Ryan Smith went with adult Richard Smith to Philmont. Ryan was scheduled to go in 1993 but a few days before the trip he broke his ankle at Troop 465's Summer Camp at Crowe's Lake.

Philmont Rangers From the Troop

Andy Wick was a Philmont Ranger in 1986 and 1987. Doug Hyche was a Philmont Ranger in 1992. In addition, Ryan Smith also worked at Philmont during the 1990's.

World Jamboree - 1995

Scoutmaster George Lingefelt was selected by the Troop, Cherokee/Pickens District, Atlanta Area Council, Southeast Region, and the National Council to attend the 1995 World Jamboree in Belguim. However the hosting country had a 60 year old age limit and George was not able to attend. It was a great honor to have him selected, but we all know that no one could have kept up with George!

Philmont Scout Ranch BSA - 2001

This trip included seven scouts and three adults including Eagle Scouts: Buckley Wheeler, Brian Vaughan, Josh Dobson and Andrew Kirk. We flew into Colorado Springs and rode a bus to Philmont after spending the day in Colorado Springs. Overall we hiked around 100 miles and visited famous Philmont attractions like Tooth of Time and Baldy Mountain. Also, the same year Eagle Scouts Mike Luke and Scott Reinhardt went on a separate trek with a different troop from Holly Springs Troop 125. Scott and Mike left the same day we got to Philmont. Content Provided by Buckley Wheeler '03

Philmont Scout Ranch BSA - 2006

The troop flew to Denver, Colorado and drove a van down to Colorado Springs on their way to the Philmont Scout Ranch. This trip had seven scouts, including Trent Davis, Billy Ballard, Zach Wilkins, Hall Absher, Carson Bell, Tony Roberts, and Michael Kirk. In addition, five adults were a part of this trip comprising of Roger Davis, David Wilkins, Jeremy Dobson, Jamey Dobson, and Doug Kirk. Also, all the scouts who went on that trek earned the rank of Eagle. In all, 10 of the 12 members of that crew were or became Eagle Scouts.

Philmont Scout Ranch BSA - 2009

In 2009, Philmont crew 616-K9 included 9 scouts; Dominick Pellegrino (Crew Leader), Logan Murray, Vince Bruno, Grant Gollner, Dan Harding, Eric Brazell (Chaplin), Mike Roberts, Will Absher, Frankie DePasquali and 3 adults: John Absher (Crew Advisor), Dan Murray and Carson Bell. The crew flew into Denver and drove to Colorado Springs where they visited Pike’s Peak, Garden of the Gods and The U.S. Air Force Academy before driving down to Cimarron, New Mexico.

While hiking at Philmont, the crew logged approx. 78 miles, taking a mostly southern trail. They visited the Fish Camp, Hunting Lodge, Apache Springs, Miner’s Park, Lower Bonito and the Tooth of Time. Of this crew, 7 of the 9 Scouts earned their Eagle rank.

National Jamboree - 2010

In 2010 Eagle Scout Dominick Pellegrino, Scout Jon Maxwell, and Assistant Scoutmaster Chuck Brooks attended the 17th National Scout Jamboree which celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America at Fort A. P. Hill, Virginia. The 2010 National Scout Jamboree was the last jamboree to be held at Fort A. P. Hill.

Philmont Scout Ranch BSA - 2012

In 2012 Philmont crew 7-10 Z included 9 scouts; Devin Scott (Crew Leader), Joey Murray (Wilderness Pledge Guia), Jack Murray, Highland Moore, Christopher Lipscomb, John Touchstone (Troop 62), Tyler Dees (Troop 62), Forest Reed, and Marvin Cunningham, And 3 adults Dan Murray (Crew Advisor), David Lipscomb, and Jim Reed. The crew flew into Denver Colorado and drove down to Colorado Springs where two days were spent visiting Bishop Castle, Pikes Peak, Garden of the Gods, and The U.S. Air Force Academy before driving down to Cimarron, New Mexico. At Philmont the crew hiked over 80 miles, visiting famous Philmont attractions such as the Tooth of Time and Mount Phillips. As of today 5 of the 9 scouts have achieved the rank of Eagle.

National Jamboree - 2013

In 2013 Scout Bailey Kramer and Assistant Scoutmaster Chuck Brooks attended the 18th National Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve (SBR), West Virginia. The 2013 National Scout Jamboree was the first jamboree to be held at The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve (SBR), the new permanent home of the national jamboree.

Philmont Scout Ranch BSA - 2014

In 2014, 465’s Philmont crew 629-Q included 8 scouts, and 4 adults. Scouts Andrew Gollner, Cody Lamanac, Kordell Palmer, Caleb Parker, Wil Shape, Nicholas Wagner, Brian Walker and Simon Yang lead adults Michael Lamanac, Brad Parker, John Wagner and Taylor Walker on a 66 mile trek through Philmont visiting locations that included Sawmill, Mt. Phillips, Beaubien, Urraca, and the Tooth of Time.

Philmont Scout Ranch BSA - 2016

In 2016 Philmont crew 708-E included 9 scouts;. And 3 adults John Wagner, Michael Lamanac, and Hubert Thompson. The crew flew into Denver Colorado and drove down to Colorado Springs where two days were spent visiting Bishop Castle, Pikes Peak, Garden of the Gods, and The U.S. Air Force Academy before driving down to Cimarron, New Mexico. At Philmont the crew hiked over 80 miles, visiting famous Philmont attractions such as the Tooth of Time and Mount Phillips.

Philmont Scout Ranch BSA - 2017

In 2017 Philmont crew ???? included 8 scouts, Jonathan Lipscomb, Daniel Ergle, Evan Wagner, Joey Canale, Carter Thompson, Isaac Zieg, Nate Matthews and Anthony Palmer. and 4 adults, David Lipscomb, Skip Thompson, Matthew Zieg and Alex Thompson. The crew flew into Denver Colorado and drove down to Colorado Springs where two days were spent visiting Bishop Castle, Pikes Peak, Garden of the Gods, and The U.S. Air Force Academy before driving down to Cimarron, New Mexico. At Philmont the crew hiked over 70 miles, visiting famous Philmont attractions such as the Tooth of Time and Mount Phillips. The crew's ranger was Christopher Lipscomb, Troop 465 Eagle Scout and brother of Jonathan Lipscomb.

Camp Rainey Mountain, Summer Camp - 2017

Details needed.

National Jamboree - 2017

In 2017 Assistant Scoutmaster Chuck Brooks served on staff for the 19th National Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve (SBR), West Virginia.


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Primitive Island
Canoe Camp

Reed Bingham
State Park

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Scout Challenge
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Bert Adams
Scout Camp

June 1 - 7, 2025
Summer Camp
Bert Adams Scout Camp

Troop 465 Online Store
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BSA Troop 465, 5742 East Cherokee Drive
Canton, GA 30115

Scoutmaster - Jason Norred,

Committee Chair - Ken Orris,

For website suggestions, history site additions, pictures of troop events to upload, etc., please email:
Updated 2/14/2025